Mobility of Affinities and the Workers Sports Movement: The Trajectory of Rosette Guérard (1924–1950)

By Fabien Sabatier

Mobility of affinities and workers’ sports movement : the trajectory of Rosette Guérard (1924-1950).

French historiography of the French workers’sports movement has not applied much the concept of affinity. The political colour of sporting federations such as the FST and the FSGT has been generally perceived under the very generic term of « communist sport ». This monolithic design deserves to be qualified by some results of research which reveal a multiplicity of « communisms » among the members of these federations. A combinative approach of the various models of historical research thus seems useful in order to perceive with more accuracy this « affinitive » sporting current. It also enables historians to delineate, beyond the diversity of affinity models, the distributed character of intensity and the forms of political, social or sport militancy supported by these organizations. This second stage of reflection illuminates the diversity of societal investment carried by the working sporting movement between 1920 and 1970. This article presents a woman activist. It allows us to see the mobility of affinity and militancy in diachrony. This observation validates on the qualitative level the necessary production of a cultural history of the « political » in the field of sports.


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